Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"Sinners in the hands of an angry God" Post

In the video, it's stated that the sermon was delivered by John Edwards, July eighth, 1741.
It’s the most famous speech in American history.  New England never forgave Edwards, because his famous sermon started the Great Awakening. The Great Awakening was the colonists’ Christianity becoming less detached and impersonal and more passionate and involved, as well as becoming more aware of the need for salvation.  Edwards was known to be stern and loveless, but he is apparently a warm person and a good friend. He believed in hell, and spent his life trying to convince his people to be awakened to sin and to not take the gospel for granted.  
It seems like the sermon is going to be passionate and intense, and I expect a lot of metaphors. It will probably be about the path to salvation and about everyday sins that people commit, and Edwards saying to avoid them.  From the video, I kind of think that Edwards is going to be pretty dramatic about things and may even be overdramatic. He’s probably going to scare the colonists a lot, because back then their only goal in life was to get to heaven, and he’s there telling them that it’s really hard to get there. Overall, it seems like the sermon is going to be about salvation and the path that Christians can take to get there. It must have been pretty powerful to spark the Great Awakening.

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