Wednesday, September 7, 2011

About Me

Hey, I'm Nicole! I'm 15, I'm in 10th grade, and my BESTEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE WORLD is Shivangi S... She also has a blog on here. Look her up. Oh, and Allison S. But she's not in our class because she's lame.

I have one sister, Erika, who's 17, super athletic and short and basically the opposite of me. My dog's name is Bailey and she's a white lab who's legitimately cazy. Jazzy is my sister's horse, and she's also nuerotic, but in the bucking off sort of way, not in a terrified of thunder sort of way. My parents' names are Scott and Eileen, and... I mean. They're kind of boring, as parents tend to be. I'm Irish and, as is stereotypically correct, I have a HUGE family. I think I have twenty two cousins and about fifteen aunts and uncles on my mom's side, and about the same on my dad's side.

I'm ridiculously addicted to TV, and get way too emotionally invested in the storylines. Some of my favorites are: Doctor Who (ultimate favorite), Gilmore Girls, How I Met Your Mother (which, by the way, I just read a theory on tumblr about how he never says he's the father of the kids he's talking to... Mind = blown), The Big Bang Theory, Torchwood, Community, The Office, 30 Rock, Parks and Recreation, House, Fringe... Yeah, you get the picture. It's a bit of a problem. I also kind of watch Degrassi, but that's more of a guilty pleasure for me, as I realize it's completely trash. Harry Potter. I like can't even talk about it. I have a super unhealthy obsession with it. I think that's all I can say without getting carried away.

I'm in a ton of clubs this year at South, including: yearbook, the Looking Glass, GSA, Pointe Players, and the choir cult (it doesn't officially count as a club, but it takes up way more time than any club ever would). In Pointe Players, we're doing Anne Franke right now, and I'm Margot. She's basically the perfect sister, and it's super awkward for me to play her, as she's supposed to be a fabulous dancer, ridiculously pretty, and polite. None of which I am. It's a blast. It actually is really fun, though, just because I love to act. The downside is, I get really nervous around the upperclassmen and freeze up and don't talk, and so they all think I'm a part-time mute.

I'm really into technological stuff, and I love anything to do with computers. I think this is derived from my dad's uber techiness, because he runs a computer company and is cray cray good with computers. I especially love to edit (don't ask), and figure out little tricks to do on computers. I spend a ridiculous amount of time on tumblr and youtube, basically procrastinating actually doing anything productive. My blog on tumblr is primarily filled with my dorky obsession with TV shows and movies and such. Also, music. Oooh, next paragraph time.

Music. It's pretty much my life. I play guitar, I sing, and I can kind of play the piano. Mind you, not very well, but the basic skill is there. I listen to a huge variety, from show tunes to hardcore alternative, but my favorite is a kind of light-rock-alternative thing. Basically, Mat Kearney, Train, Straylight Run, Kate Nash, Noah and the Whale... Eh, kind of edging into the indie section, but still. Those are my favorites. Also, Taking Back Sunday, especially their new album. New Again was kind of emo for my taste, but I am in LOVE with Faith (When I Let You Down). It's an unhealthy obsession. Oh god, how could I forget, I've been on a MAJOR OneRepublic kick lately. Not their super popular stuff, but the entire album Waking Up is freaking genius. I can't even contain myself. ALSO (sorry, I kind of get carried away with music) that one 30 Second to Mars song, This is War. I thought I wouldn't like it, and the first bit I don't, but ugh... That bridge. It gets to me. Sorry. I need to wrap this part up.

So, that's basically me... I mean, not much else to tell. I like spaghetti. If that's important. It's my favorite food. Oooh, and orange pop. That's my real weakness.

Yupp. That's pretty much it. Bye!

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